The Methods We Incorporate For Healing
We are a Christian based program that incorporates Biblical principles. We use these principles to overcome the powers and principalities that have latched on through the traumas of the past. There is nothing more powerful than our God! And time and again He proves that! The steps that follow are a guideline for understanding but we rely heavily upon the miraculous mysteries and wonders of our lord, Jesus Christ. We believe that He is the same then, now, and forever which declares that the miracles of the Bible are still ongoing. We are, as an organization, a testimony of His grace and redemption power and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy!
Salvation is first and foremost in importance. Jesus is our healer and deliverer. When we accept Him into our hearts and he lives within us; healing is sustained when the Holy Spirit takes up residence. Matthew 12:43-45 say,- “When and evil spirit comes out of a man he goes through arid places, seeking rest and does not find it.” Then it says, I will return to the house I left, when it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven spirts more wicked than itself and they go in and they live there and the final condition of the person is worse than the first.“
We are commissioned to cast out demons in Mark 16.This is metaphorically equivalent to the Israelites being delivered from Egypt. In the physical realm, that would be equivalent to removing the traumatized party from compromised conditions. Being delivered will also remove the victim from "Egypt" in the spirit and into the safe haven of Divine Fortress.
Praying, praising, and worshipping God together builds trust between the members of Divine Fortress and its clients. We also spend time together bonding through gardening, time with horses, fitness goal setting, nutritional education and making meals. Trust is the essential element in the process of healing..
Clients will be asked to write out some of their life story, focusing on traumas. This promotes vulnerability and allows us to break through barriers, allowing the Holy Spirit to nurture the healing process. Again, you are in a safe place to do this as we facilitate.
Initially, we expect to see language that displays anger, hidden themes, and low self worth while the life story is written. There will be displays of avoidance, deflection and blame. This is quite normal, but we will approach these areas with a unique and gentle therapeutic Christian- based process.
Indecisive or language that is contradictory is addressed and replaced with more direction to validate the expressions that seems to produce the wishy washy addendum. It's important to recognize that early. We do this with the Bible guiding the direction to further corroborate these feelings that the client may be trying to brush off.
Bringing the clients' story into the present tense to recognize the omissions and characterizations of avoidance, allows us to analyze and see roots of areas where we can focus in on even more healing- we want to address fears as they arise, and even phantom fears (fears that may be unknown).
Building confidence via taking identity inventory within the story of trauma allows us to claim the characteristics that were apparent to get through the trauma itself. This is the beginning of recognizing who we are in Christ, and who we were created to be. We also learn to give God the Glory in and throughout healing- we remain humble and loving.
We ask the client to then articulate the story a little deeper, ie- what did it look like, smell like, etc. We want to take the client to a place where they are fully encompassed in the surroundings of their trauma, while reassuring they are safe to do so.
Using analogical expression and analyzation of the story, we begin to divide the sin from the sinner in the trauma story. This is used in succession with the process of forgiveness. Another aspect of this, is when we separate the sin from the sinner, we can take out our aggressions on the sin itself and view it differently.
Removing the "enemy" from the person of the client's story to understand the true enemy of powers and principalities within the trauma allows the client to take back their power and escape the confines of their false belief system that has built walls around their heart and a maze in their head.
Another layer of healing will be explored, will be looking at exaggeration, minimization, etc. It is important to become as honest as we can throughout the healing process because this leads to repentance and self forgiveness.
We circle back around again and consistently pray together, worship, focus on diet and exercise in a balanced life manner within our program, always recognizing God throughout our day.
Consistency is key. A graduation or “Rite of Passage” will come when our clients are seeking God daily, practicing honesty with themselves, growth is balanced and the fruits of the spirit are present.
As The Spirit Leads You Will Find Peace
“Should I follow my head or should I follow my heart?” The man on the radio sings.
“Out of all things in disagreement in the world, I would think that my head and heart should be in agreement. They are two parts of the same body. That means that the decision that singer needs to make would be mutually beneficial to the whole.” I get it. I’ve lived most of my life with my soul being commander-in-chief. The soul, again, is our thoughts, our emotions, and our will. For me the thoughts dominated my apathetic heart. It’s easy to see how if these are not working together, how it will be disruptive. Remaining numb in emotion unleashes a very logical but disassociated view of life. This imbalance causes the willful desire to be wishy washy and unpronounced. The will waits for a heart response and procrastinates in the waiting. When your heart, your head, and your will align there is true inspiration! Heaven help you if they don't agree.
Likewise, If our spiritual belief system is not cohesive with our actions ( our will ), our emotions, or our thoughts that skirmish will effect everything in your life. Your morality is governed by your conscience and was established long before trauma corrupted your view. Ignoring your conscience and misaligning your beliefs to suit your flesh will cause complications that will lead you off into the darkest, dampest, and grotesque hideouts. You will feel unfulfilled in everything you do. That is because your spirit or your overall belief system is meant to be commander and chief. It is meant to rule over your thoughts, emotions, and your will, not the other way around. When your spirit leads there is power. There is strength. There is purpose beyond all imagination because it has programmed into it the purposes of God!!!
When we are tuned into the purposes of God we have all power at our disposal. Anything contrary to that belief is comparable to me saying, "take down that light fixture" and not giving you the ladder or tools you need to do that. He supplies all of our needs to accomplish what He has asked us to do. If we do not have what we need to accomplish what He asks us to do then it may not be what He asked us to do. If I am meant to spread healing then He intends on providing everything that I need all the way down to developing my patience, getting the log out of my own eye, humility, and love. Once He has developed these attributes in me then He will provide the material things. Recognizing my position in His perfect plan is realizing that I have to work on my character and become the tool that He wants to use to carry out that plan. His blessings are abundant and the rewards are amazing. First I become the man that I could only hope to become and as if that isn't blessing enough, He rewards the effort of me becoming a better man and He holds nothing back. He is generous! Step into the journey of His plan and you will see. You will heal. You will grow and become a better person. And He will reward your efforts!